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Course Description:  Adv. Metals



Do you like heavy metal? If you are a junior or senior and like to work with your hands and not sit in a classroom for 80 minutes, then this class is for you. In this course you are able to receive 5 college credits through Wenatchee Valley College, after meeting the course requirements. You will be doing a lot of work on your own after being instructed by Mr. Amsden on certain skills in all kinds of metal working. You will also be asked to create and build numerous projects for community members, and school district staff as the needs arises. There are numerous field trips and shop contest available to compete in if the individuals chooses to participate. EX: Ag Expo Spokane, Contest at Brewster, Omak, Bridgeport and Manson. When completed the student will have a vast array of knowledge that will allow them to test to become certified welder in certain areas or go straight into the work force, and make above average wages.



You will need to have taken at least one other Ag shop course either Ag shop1, or Ag shop.

There is a large emphasis on basic metal working, fabrication, welding in all types of metal including, MIG, TIG, gas and arc. 


Graduation Requirement Satisfied with this course

 One CTE credit


Sequence of Course/Pre-Requisites:

Ag Shop 1, or Ag shop 2

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