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Course Description: CAREER CONNECTIONS


9th grade: This course is intended to provide students with the fundamentals of high school, preparation for the workplace and post-high school foundation. Students will complete high school prep units such as organization skills, study skills and time-management.  They will prepare for the workplace by conducting formal mock interviews, job applications, cover letters and resumes, with a focus on etiquette. Students will monitor their credits, grades and prepare for SAT/ACT and will complete a 15 hour internship.


10th grade:  This course is split into two main units.  The first being an Entrepreneurship class one day a week that includes weekly guest speakers, group activities and culminates in a local business project.  The other unit includes SAT/ACT prep, college and career searches, credit count and grade checks and financial aid. A 20 hours internship is required.


11th grade: This course continues with workplace preparation, post-high school foundations and 3rd trimester begins a Leadership component with 1 required senior project, 10 hours of community service, 2 school involvement activities, 3 public meetings and team points. 11th grade CC prepares students for senior year Career Choices as students begin writing their personal statements, sign up for and, FAFSA and SAT/ACT prep. A 25 hour internship is required.


Graduation Requirements Satisfied with this Course:

Each trimester annually of CC earns students a .25 CTE credit upon completion of the course work and annual internship.


Sequence of Courses/Pre-Requisites:

CC goes in order 9-11 and follows differentiated and grade specific course work with annual internships that gain 5 hours yearly.

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