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There will be time, there will be time….

And time yet for a hundred indecisions,                            

And for a hundred visions and revisions

                                                —T.S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”


Course Description: Welcome to English 111


I’ve included those lines from T.S. Eliot because I believe that they represent an attitude towards time and thinking that I feel is constructive when it comes to writing and learning. It is an attitude that acknowledges the multiplicities of vision (and revision), and revels in the awareness of indecision. Here are present the kinds of contradictions that are an important and inseparable part of complex analysis. Your ability to think in complex and non-binary ways about knowledge, generally, and writing, specifically, is one of the most important skills you can learn in this class.


To that end, in this course we will be reading literature and, most importantly, writing about literature, so that over the first trimester you will start to become comfortable with what it means to write an academic paper, a skill you will undoubtedly need both in your remaining years at Manson High School, the University of Washington, and beyond. Although the papers that you write for different classes will have varying expectations and require different methodologies, this class will focus primarily on one discipline—English—as a way of helping you recognize the demands and expectations of a specific discipline. This will help begin to recognize the differences between departmental expectations across the university, which will provide you with skills for achieving success across the disciplines and for conceiving a hundred visions and revisions. 1 trimester course 


Graduation Requirements Satisfied with this Course:  Upon completion of English 111, students will receive 1.0 credits for English.


Prerequisites: Academically motivated students are encouraged to enroll in this rigorous college course.  Further, students enrolling in English 111 should have successfully completed Integrated 9 English/Physical Science, Regular or Honors Integrated 10(Biology/English), and/or American Studies with a grade of a B or higher.  Students with junior standing should have successfully met the college level standard on the SBAC.  Sophomores planning on enrolling in the need a written letter of recommendation from their previous English and Science teacher. 

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