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Course Description: Film as Literature


Students enrolling in Film as Literature will view and analyze a variety of quintessential films that have made a lasting impression on America’s society. Students will explore what literature and film mean in the context of a multicultural society, studying canonical pieces as well as new and rediscovered voices. Students will explore social, historical, economic, political, and artistic issues. The goals of the course include: 1.) Instilling in students a passion for writing, 2.) Providing students with a voice in society, 3.) Teaching students how to analyze films as texts and modern non-fiction, and 4.) Preparing students to be active, critical thinkers in our modern American society.


Graduation Requirements Satisfied with this Course: Students will receive 1.0 English credit.


Prerequisite: A student must have successfully passed English 101, 131, or 111 with a C- or higher. 

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