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Online Courses


General Psychology 1 and 2. Online 2 trimester Course (1.0 credit)


Prerequisites: Juniors and Seniors only. Gen Psych 1 is a prerequisite to Gen Psych 2.

Course Description:

The General Psychology course introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of human beings. The course is less rigorous than an AP Psychology course and focuses on Unit project assessment. Students should find the course quite interesting and relevant in their own lives.  Students who are interested in the study of psychology are encouraged to sign up with another student who they can team with on many of the unit projects.

Graduation Requirement: Satisfies .5/.5 of the general elective credit or history requirement.

Career or College-Ready Pathway: Social Science and Communication; Trade/Vocational/Technical; Arts; Math/Science


European History Online 2 trimester Course (1.0 credit)


Prerequisites: Juniors and Seniors only.

Course Description:

This is a challenging course designed to increase student understanding and appreciation of European history. It is a course that focuses on the cultural, economic, intellectual, political and social Advanced FitneeFitness Labdevelopments that fundamentally shaped the world in which we live.  These areas are studied from a variety of perspectives with the intent of providing a balanced view of history. 

Students are encouraged to seek a partner(s) to enroll in the course together. Students may experience greater success by working with a partner or team to process the course material. The ability to work constructively in a team is an essential 21st century skill.

Graduation Requirement: Satisfies .5/.5 of the general elective credit or history requirement.

Career or College-Ready Pathway: Social Science and Communication; Trade/Vocational/Technical; Arts; Math/ScienceCrossfit


Marine Biology 1 and 2: (1.0 science credit)


Prerequisites: Biology. Marine Bio 1 is a prerequisite to Marine Bio 2

Class Description:  Marine Biology is a descriptive science course that introduces students to the basic processes and unique biology of marine environments in order to understand the ocean’s potential as a resource, and enhance awareness of the value, and fragility of the ocean, its inhabitants and its ecosystems.

Graduation Requirement: Satisfies .5/.5 of the general elective requirement. Can also satisfy a non-lab science requirement.

Career or College-Ready Pathway: Trade/Vocational/Technical; Math/Science

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